Portrait Sessions
I specialize in capturing the unique personalities of each individual, and strive to create a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere for you. Portrait sessions are tailored to your needs, and can include family, couples, and senior portraits. My goal is to create beautiful portraits that you will cherish for years to come.
Portait session Pricing
The Standard Headshot $75
The perfect session to update your portrait on all your professional social media accounts. Includes your favorite image fully retouched.
White session $150
Approximately thirty minutes session with a minimum of 5 finished images.
Green Session $200
Approximately one hour of shooting with a minimum of 10 finished images. Includes one outfit change.
Black Session $275
Approximately two hours of shooting with a minimum of 20 finished images. Includes two outfit changes.
Digital manipulation $25/image
Digital manipulation of an image can include black and white conversion, removing distracting elements and facial retouching.
Online Gallery extension $30/month
Extend the time for view of your images for an extra thirty days.