Commemorative Air Force
In June of 2018 I decided to join the Missouri Wing of the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) . For those who do not know who or what the CAF is; they are a non profit organization that’s sole mission is to educate through living history, inspire and honor. If you are interested in learning more about the CAF please visit their website ( or Missouri Wing ( I joined shortly after attending a Bomber and Bombshell photo shoot through a local camera store. While at the time I admit I joined simply to be able to get more images of the unit’s aircraft.
After being a part of the wing for about a year and a half, I have really embraced the mission of educate, inspire and honor. While each member has an area that they are primarily working with (aircraft maintenance, museum/gallery, administrative, etc) everyone helps wherever they are needed. The area that I primarily am is the museum. While there I help catalog items, organize display cases, check inventory of the Post exchange (PX), welcome visitors and guide them through the space. It is always fun interacting with the visitors, most are military veterans or families with kids, and sometimes educational. Some visitors come to learn, others come to donate/lend artifacts or images from their family.
The other task that I have been doing is simply photographing the wing. Some of the other members call the the official unofficial photographer. I bring my camera gear out when the aircraft are getting ready after winter maintenance, the annual hanger dance, and the annual pumpkin drop. My goal is to use my skills as a photographer to help the wing attract more visitors, book more ride flights, and perhaps even join.